Reducing the Resolution of a Video to 480p (or 360p, 240p).How to convert MKV to MP4 video format (and vice-versa)?.Converting a Video from AVI (Divx or Xvid) to MP4.Trimming Videos with Point-to-Point Encoding.Codec vs Quality vs Frame-rate in Handbrake?.Encoding Technology Offered by Handbrake?.

Matching Subtitle Timestamps With the Video.Configuring the Subtitle’s “Selection Behavior”.Adding Subtitles into a Video File with Handbrake Like a Pro.Modifying Output’s Video Size and Cropping.Optimizing Audio and Video with Handbrake.In this “Handbrake: Complete Step-by-Step Guide (2021 Update)” we’ll go deep into how it works, how to use it, and what you can do with it. Handbrake is designed to help you get the most out of your digital media files.

Handbrake- the professional video encoder, lets you optimize those large 4K media files for the web, turn your DVDs and Blu-rays into digital files, or even simultaneously compress and optimize large lists of home videos. Bonus Material: 25% OFF + FREE 5-day Seedbox Optimization Course